När jag kommer hem full på natten, besviken på allt och ledsen, utan att kunna förstå varför alla dom som säger att dom är mina vänner inte bönar och ber om att få följa med mig hem och sova i min säng, då finns det ingenting bättre än att prata med D. och låta henne skölja över allt.

D. säger:
grymt!! aaaaaaah!!!!! i feel i've got too much energy inside if i don't find something i like to do, i'll start destroying myself
D. säger:
do you ever feel this way?
D. säger:
i mean not necessarily doing something to THE WORLD just do something to make your mind satisfied. like keep on satisfying yourself, either that, or just to be prone to destroy yourself to feel alive
elicash säger:
D. säger:
hahah i think i really have the posibility to join some cult in the future
D. säger:
i live in the world, always feeling maybe it could be a dream that would get surreal at any moment, wait for it wait for it, maybe in the next second, people that act calm or say cold would suddenly scream and jump up all together out of nowhere, having this expectations, i always keep my eyes wide open anticipating it, but but why hasn't it come!!
D. säger:
if only our life would be a musical!
D. säger:
people in the street just suddenly start to sing to you
D. säger:
oh i watched a documentary about cassavetes, one asked why he likes jazz, he said oh it just makes me alive you know, even sometimes it's not fierce, not strong, it's just always alive. you know, i hate silence, silence would kill me i can't stand it.
D. säger:
how nice it is to just write to you!

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